http://gallerisebastianschildt.se/en/event/ru-runeberg-conversation-pieces/ Strandvägen 5B, Stockholm Öppettider vardagar 11-18, lör...
Nuutajärven Lasikylä & Silverskatter från Finland
Nuutajärven Lasikylän kesänäyttely 21.5.-27.8.2017 Nuutajärven Lasikylän kesänäyttelyyn, joka on avoinna 21.5.–27.8.2017 Nuutajärvellä,...
Joint exhibition in Helsinki
"All that glitters ain't gold" Galleri A. Tillander 17.5-31.5 2016 Alexanterinkatu 17, Helsinki A joint exhibition showing contemporary...
RURU exhibits in Poland
Ruru participates in an exhibition in Legnica, Poland. The competition exhibition is called "city" and is a part of the annual Hammerclub...

Exhibitions, exhibitions, exhibitions....
Ru is part of the joint exhibition SATURNALIA at gallery Sebastian Schildt http://www.sebastianschildtplus.se/en/event/saturnalia/ until...

News from Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven
At the Netherlands Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven, our exhibition, ‘Grensverleggend zilver ' ‘Out-of-the-Box Silver’/Schoonhoven Silver Award...

Flora & Fauna 4.9. - 8.11.2015
Ru Runeberg is featured in a joint exhibition with Jorma Lehtonen, Mirkka Tiirinen, Riitta Keurulainen, Riitta Nelimarkka, Silja Selonen,...

RURU Deltar i Collect Art Fair på Saatchi Gallery i London, med Galleri Sebastian Schildt + från Stockholm 8-11.5 På Collect ställer RURU...